Views from the Pacific NW

Columbia River


I’m a retired teacher living along the Pacific coast with my wife. We enjoy traveling and have been to Europe as well as journeyed throughout the US and Canada. But our favorite destination is the Hawaiian Islands and some of this blog will be about our travels offering advice and tips.

In addition, we are Eastern Orthodox Christians and members of the Orthodox Church in America. Our faith plays a very important role in our lives and some of my blog will be used to that end.




18 Replies to “Views from the Pacific NW”

  1. ยป[i]…living along the Pacific coast with my wife.[/i]ยซ

    Ah – where all the other celebrities live? What is life like in Santa Monica and on Sunset Boulevard? :p

  2. ๐Ÿ˜€ This “left coast” is commonly referred to by the rest of the continent as La La Land. The people here are on eternal “beach time”. What can I say? haha

  3. Hi you all, Ice, Noah and James.

    Oh.. You and you wife are Christians, J. Good, very good.
    Jesus’ teachings are the best in treating and dealing with others.

    In fact, our belief in these principles and our application of them to our everyday activities and interactions with others are defining features of our lives –if we are doing our best to be true believers.

    Great if you are that sort of Christian, James. (up)

  4. Right on, Noah. That’s the mouth of the Columbia River but even here it’s considered LaLa Land by much of the eastern US. Thanks for the nice comment re the photo. Much appreciated.

  5. I have a load of friends in the Portland area, though I lived farther north than that. I had more contact with the Columbia where I-80 crosses it than where I-5 does. Pity, because Portland is one of my favorite cities.

  6. I worked with a group of educators out of Eugene. We met in Portland sometimes. Even if Portland was nothing but Powell’s Books, it would be a great town!

  7. Powells books… the Mother Ship. We’ve been to the one on Burnside and you can practically get anything ever written at that place. There was this little Orthodox bookstore around the corner (Hoyt and 21st I think) called the Way of the Pilgrim. Loved that little place but sadly it’s gone now.

  8. My favorite thing about Powell’s on Burnside is that they hand you a map on the way in. Seven floors of goodness!

  9. LOL… yeah, the map should forewarn you there’s a lot to see!

    Have you ever watched any episodes of Portlandia? If not, you’ve got to catch a few.

  10. I’ve spent a few days now, perusing most of the blogs here as well as over at MyOpera and I’ve come to some conclusions. We write blogs to connect with others… there’s that need for affirmation. We write them because we have special interests and we wish to inform and possibly even proselytize. Some write them because they can be fun, particularly if that person has a need to express himself. Many appear to write them out of a need for attention… a sort of supreme exercise in narcissism. In terms of actual usefulness, it seems to me that the vast majority of blogs contained here and elsewhere are essentially wastes of bandwidth (as is my own paltry effort). I’m under no illusion that my words have any real value to those of you who are reading them at this moment (assuming that someone out there IS actually reading this nonsense). Will I continue? Undoubtedly something at some future point will compel me to write a few lines regarding whatever. In the meantime, please don’t take anything I have to say too seriously. I don’t.

  11. Well said, James. Sometimes I stop to assess why I’m here and why I do it. It’s some of all of the above.

    I comfort myself by saying that I write the thing for me. If anybody visits or interacts, it’s total cream on top.

  12. [b]I comfort myself by saying that I write the thing for me. If anybody visits or interacts, it’s total cream on top[/b]

    Perfect! You’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head. Thanks.

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